30 cool inventions and innovations from India

1 min readDec 2, 2022


The Indus Valley Civilization (Established 3000 BCE / 5000 years ago) had shipping docks, wide roads, intersections, walled homes with running water, toilets, rooms, and public baths for people.

There have been many important inventions and innovations from India throughout history. Some examples include:

  1. The concept of zero and the decimal system
  2. The game of chess
  3. The wheel
  4. The surgical technique of plastic surgery
  5. Ayurvedic medicine
  6. The production of steel
  7. The practice of yoga
  8. The spinning wheel
  9. The numbering system
  10. The concept of atoms and molecules
  11. The practice of meditation
  12. The use of cotton for clothing
  13. The construction of dams and canals
  14. The use of hydraulic power
  15. The production of cloth
  16. The development of navigation technology
  17. The art of making perfumes
  18. The concept of a hospital
  19. The technique of making soap
  20. The technique of making glass
  21. The use of natural gas
  22. The use of irrigation
  23. The use of fossil fuels
  24. The development of metallurgy
  25. The concept of the solar calendar
  26. The art of making dyes
  27. The use of shampoo
  28. Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus
  29. Sign convention
  30. Universe is an illusion based in consciousness

